Can someone shed some light where these fixes have been commited to ? I assume it is in the web frontend but haven't been able to find it :-(.


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some time ago I reported problems with very ugly fonts when using the
webfrontend with some newer versions of "rrdtools". Some investigation
showed that the problem was created by incorrect WIDTH/HEIGHT
parameters to the IMG tags in the frontend.

I have checked in a few fixes that remove the scaling from the IMG
tags. The RRD images are now sized at creation time. As a result the
fonts look good again. I also had to add y-labels to some of the core
metrics. Without them the images on the host_view would have different

There are some visual differences, that I hope are acceptable:

- the images are now a bit larger
- in order to make the outer images the same size, I had to vary the
size of the drawing canvases. Some of them are now larger

For me both are good, as my eyesight is not what is used to be :-)

During the exercise I also found a bug in the "find_limits" function,
where we did not check for the existence of the RRD files. This would
fail when using one of the *_report aggregates as default_metric. Not
fatal, but it fills up the logfiles.

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