>>> On 10/11/2007 at 4:11 PM, in message
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Bernard Li"
> Hi Alex:
> On 10/11/07, Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > - new subpackage modules-python which contains all the DSO/python
>> > modules (not really happy with the naming, so suggestions welcome!)
>> >
>> How about extensions-python?
> Actually I guess I also have concerns about the division of the files,
> since gmond contains the C modules and the modules-python contains
> just the python modules -- I wonder if this division is necessary.  I
> guess I'll wait for some feedback from Brad since he's the one who
> came up with the code.

I would rather have all of the metric modules (both C and python) installed 
with the gmond package.  But not all of them have to be enabled.  My vision 
moving forward (just my 2 cents) would be that the ganglia community embrace 
the python interface as the preferred way to extend gmond with new metric 
types.  To promote this, installing and configuring mod_python by default would 
encourage the use of the python interface.  I've mentioned this idea before on 
this list, I would also like to see a python metric module repository as part 
of the ganglia project that would allow the ganglia community to upload and 
share metric modules similar to the gmetric repository.  

In our own internal RPM builds, we have been installing disabled python modules 
to an "extra" directory.  In other words, a disabled python module .pyconf file 
would be installed to /etc/ganglia/conf.d/extra and the corresponding .py 
module file would be installed to /usr/lib/ganglia/python_modules/extra.  This 
allows the user to simply move the .pyconf from extra to conf.d and the .py 
module from extra to python_modules.  Then restart gmond and new metrics 
appear.  Another option would be to install the .pyconf as .pyconf.off and the 
.py to the python_modules directory.  With the config file named .pyconf.off, 
the gmond configuration file parser will ignore it during startup.  The 
downside of this is that the .py module will always be loaded just because it 
exists in the python_modules directory, even if it isn't being used or 
referenced by a configuration file.  Of course without a corresponding 
configuration, even if the .py module is loaded, it's metrics won't be produced
  or appear in the -m metric list.  

Now after having said all of that, there is an option that could be adopted 
later.  If myself or anybody else enabled gmond with other scripting language 
modules such as perl, PHP, TCL, etc., then it might make more sense to split 
the different enabling modules with their associated metric plugins, into 
separate RPM packages.  But for now, including the python enabling module along 
with the python metric modules with gmond, seems more convenient.


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