With the help of Marcus Rueckert, we have done some clean up to the
spec file to support the new features of the code in Ganglia trunk.
Here's the proposed patch:


Some highlights:
- new subpackage libganglia which will include the share libraries
that both gmond/gmetad require
- new subpackage modules-python which contains all the DSO/python
modules (not really happy with the naming, so suggestions welcome!)
- dependencies: apr > 1 is needed now
- cleaned up some comments

The breakdown of the subpackages look like...





If you have any questions, Marcus and I will be more than happy to address them.

If you need to patch ganglia.spec.in in the time being, I would
appreciate it if you could check first if there are conflicts with our
patch prior to checking in -- or if you can hold off, wait till this
patch is applied.



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