On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 08:38:20AM -0600, Brad Nicholes wrote:
> Isn't that what a no-arch devel package should be doing?  Maybe I am missing 
> what you are really talking about.

a gmond C module needs to include gm_mmn.h (for the MAGIC) and metric.h (for
the mmodule_struct), but both are gmond private headers and can't be cleanly
exported (because they also include libmetrics).

for a "devel" package to be possible (so that modules can't be compiled out of
the ganglia source tree), those headers should be cleaned and be installed as
public headers (most likely in /usr/include/ganglia/).

currently the only header that is being exported is "ganglia.h" (installed in
/usr/include/) but it doesn't contain a full list of public methods from
libganglia and is also not clean to export (as it includes config.h)


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