
as you can see in the logs, I' ve used with gcc version 4.2.4.
# ./gmond -m
exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program ./gmond because of the following errors:
        0509-151 The program does not have an entry point or
                   the o_snentry field in the auxiliary header is invalid.
        0509-194 Examine file headers with the 'dump -ohv' command.
# dump -ohv gmond


                        ***Object Module Header***
# Sections      Symbol Ptr      # Symbols       Opt Hdr Len     Flags
         4      0x00009558            505                72     0x1002
Timestamp = "Jun 11 10:10:48 2008"
Magic = 0x1df  (32-bit XCOFF)

                        ***Optional Header***
Tsize        Dsize       Bsize       Tstart      Dstart
0x00007a80  0x00000a1c  0x000000bc  0x10000128  0x20000ba8

SNloader     SNentry     SNtext      SNtoc       SNdata
0x0004      0x0000      0x0001      0x0002      0x0002

TXTalign     DATAalign   TOC         vstamp      entry
0x0005      0x0003      0x20001558  0x0001      0xffffffff

maxSTACK     maxDATA     SNbss       magic       modtype
0x00000000  0x00000000  0x0003      0x010b        1L

                        ***Section Header Information***
                         Section Header for .text
PHYaddr      VTRaddr     SCTsiz      RAWptr      RELptr
0x10000128  0x10000128  0x00007a80  0x00000128  0x00008cde

LN#ptr       #RELent     #LINent     Flags
0x00000000  0x0072      0x0000      0x00000020

                         Section Header for .data
PHYaddr      VTRaddr     SCTsiz      RAWptr      RELptr
0x20000ba8  0x20000ba8  0x00000a1c  0x00007ba8  0x00009152

LN#ptr       #RELent     #LINent     Flags
0x00000000  0x0067      0x0000      0x00000040

                         Section Header for .bss
PHYaddr      VTRaddr     SCTsiz      RAWptr      RELptr
0x200015c4  0x200015c4  0x000000bc  0x00000000  0x00000000

LN#ptr       #RELent     #LINent     Flags
0x00000000  0x0000      0x0000      0x00000080

                         Section Header for .loader
PHYaddr      VTRaddr     SCTsiz      RAWptr      RELptr
0x00000000  0x00000000  0x00000719  0x000085c4  0x00000000

LN#ptr       #RELent     #LINent     Flags
0x00000000  0x0000      0x0000      0x00001000

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