It's time to get Ganglia 3.1 out the door.  We created the Ganglia 3.1.x 
stable branch almost 2 months ago and have been working towards a release since 
then.  I think it is time that we actually create a Ganglia 3.1 release 
candidate which can be tested and ultimately determined to be our Ganglia 3.1 
official release.  The STATUS file has been cleared out of all backports and 
there are no show-stoppers that would prevent us from releasing 3.1.  Unless 
there is something that should be considered to be a show-stopper, I propose 
that we tag and roll Ganglia 3.1 RC1 immediately and start testing.  Once 
Ganglia 3.1 RC1 tarballs have been made available, then we allow a two week 
test period.  If no show-stoppers or major issues are found within the two week 
period, then at the end of the two week period we officially release Gangia 3.1.

BTW, I am sending this proposal to the ganglia-developers@ list because I would 
like to get feedback from anyone in the dev community.  Just because you might 
not consider yourself an active Ganglia developer doesn't mean that you can't 
test the code and provide valuable feedback.  Ganglia is an Open Source and 
community developed project.  All feedback from community members is welcome.


If there aren't any objections, then Bernard could you tag and roll a Ganglia 
3.1 RC1 tarball?


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