On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 04:05:49PM -0700, Bernard Li wrote:

> After this is checked in I will tag/create RC1 tarball.

instead of a release candidate, a beta should be prepared.

a beta (a stable version which will show all features as planned to be
released) should be released, so that it can be used for better testing than
the series of unstable snapshots that were published before.

it is also imperative (specially considering that srclib is gone) that we
provide first with step by step instructions and in some cases dependencies
(when needed) so that the beta can be really tested in all
platforms/distributions/configurations as possible.

> I am thinking the frontend fixes
> could wait until RC2 as it is not trivial to get everything to the way
> I wanted, so I need to spend a little more time on it.

no, if there are known bugs that we plan to have fixed before 3.1 gets
released they should be fixed before anything that can be labeled as a
"release candidate" can be cut.


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