On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 09:51:58AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I've been looking at how we currently deploy Ganglia configuration files
> in our organisation, and whether the process can be improved.
> Is anyone already working on any aspect of this issue:

You should look at one of the existing configuration management tools
for this. Have a look at puppet/cfengine/bcfg2 and choose one that you
like. They will take care of pushing the configuration, restarting the
server and all other issues for you.

For my systems I am using puppet with something like:
$ cat ganglia.pp
define gmondconfig( $port, $cluster ) {
  file { "/etc/gmond.conf":
    path => "/etc/gmond.conf",
    mode => 644,
    owner => root,
    group => root,
    ensure => file,
    notify => Service[gmond],
    content => template("apps/ganglia/gmondconfig.erb")
  service { gmond:
    ensure => running,
    enable => true,
    hasstatus => true,
    require => Package[ganglia-gmond]
  package { ganglia-gmond:
    ensure => present

The template is a "standard" config file with the cluster name and
send/receive ports as variables.
udp_recv_channel {
  port = <%= port %>

Then for the different nodes I use definitions like the following
to add the machine to the right cluster...
 gmondconfig { "gmondconfig": port => 8690, cluster => "foo.webservers" }
 gmondconfig { "gmondconfig": port => 8691, cluster => "foo.tests" }

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