On 01/27/2014 11:11 AM, Cristovao Jose Domingues Cordeiro wrote:
> Hi Adrian,

> I saw that the other guys are already helping you so there's nothing
> that I can add which would help you I think. Nevertheless I must say
you already help me a lot! thank you!!

> that I don't have an aggregation gmond, that was the point of my
> question, not having one. I receive all the metric directly in the
> gmetad node.
unfortunately ganglia cant have aggregating gmonds (like having gmond
which gather data from various cluster gmonds and gmetad to be able to
disentangle the source clusters and write the data where should belong).
I tried once to propose to have the cluster attribute not as tag in xml
but as actual metric/parameter that would identify cluster group but i
didn't received positive feedback (alongside with having an uuid
(automatically gathered or manual) to identify the host).
My plan is when i have time (like spare time .. if i remember what is
that :D ) to add those modifications myself and see how it goes.

Anyway, thanks a lot for help :)

> Cumprimentos / Best regards, Cristóvão José Domingues Cordeiro
> ________________________________________ From: Adrian Sevcenco
> [adrian.sevce...@cern.ch] Sent: 25 January 2014 13:19 To:
> ganglia-general@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [Ganglia-general]
> multiple clusters with just one collector
> On 01/24/2014 10:47 AM, Cristovao Jose Domingues Cordeiro wrote:
>> Thank you for your replies Bernard and Shekar.
>> Actually in the meanwhile I managed to make it work. For those who 
>> might want to do the same here's what I did:
>> · Stop gmond and gmetad, and clean the RRD database in the
>> collector (I was getting unspecified clusters and cached
>> information so this was a clean start)
>> · I have 5 clusters so I've created 5 gmond.conf files - 
>> gmond-cluster1.conf, gmond-cluster2.conf...etc. In these files
>> I've set up the cluster name, both udp and tcp ports to the same
>> number, and the hostname in the udp_send_channel to 'localhost'
> Hi! Is it possible to post your gmond settings? How did you solve the
> problem that the reporting node (where aggregation gmond sits) will
> also report the self metrics?
> My problem is a little different : i try to make a fake gmond for 
> gmetric input for UPS/RAID/Switches metrics.
> Thanks a lot! Adrian

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