Hello Adrian,
if the host for which you send gmetrics is not a gmond "client", you need to 
also spoof a "heartbeat" metric, else the collector will think the host is down 

IP=$(getent hosts $HOST | cut -d" " -f1)
T=$(ping -qn -c 1 -w 6 $IP | grep rtt | cut -d/ -f 5 | sed s/\\.//)
if [ "$T" ] ; then
gmetric -c $GMON -n ping_time -t uint32 -u us -x 600 -d 7200 -g network -T 
"ping avg time" -H -S ${IP}:${HOST} -v ${T}
(your custom gmetrics follow here)

and of course in the gmond.UPS.conf you put your separate "collector" gmond 
host and port.

For the collector host, I run separate "client" gmond and multiple "collector" 
gmond. The latter have separate config files with no "udp_send_channel", in 
this way they don't send to themselves their own host metrics.
I think I posted on the list my "gmondsrv" init.d script last year or so... 
mail me if you don't find it.


PS if it's an APC, see the attachment, courtesy of a work colleague.

On 25 Jan 2014, at 19:22, Adrian Sevcenco <adrian.sevce...@cern.ch> wrote:

> On 01/25/2014 08:02 PM, Bernard Li wrote:
>> Hi Adrian:
> Hi!
>> You might want to look into "spoofing"...  it might help with what you're 
>> doing.
> it helps in the sense that i choose the name of package data (e.g data
> comes from ups1).
> The problem is the destination : i want to have a distinct cluster (a
> cluster for upses, one for raid devices, one for switches) so i have to
> send data to a gmond that reports nothing else. (no other metrics at
> all, just what i send with gmetric)
> if i delete all metrics i just get that "no metrics defined"
> Thanks!
> Adrian
>> Cheers,
>> Bernard
>> On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 4:19 AM, Adrian Sevcenco
>> <adrian.sevce...@cern.ch> wrote:
>>> On 01/24/2014 10:47 AM, Cristovao Jose Domingues Cordeiro wrote:
>>>> Thank you for your replies Bernard and Shekar.
>>>> Actually in the meanwhile I managed to make it work. For those who
>>>> might want to do the same here's what I did:
>>>> · Stop gmond and gmetad, and clean the RRD database in the collector
>>>> (I was getting unspecified clusters and cached information so this
>>>> was a clean start)
>>>> · I have 5 clusters so I've created 5 gmond.conf files -
>>>> gmond-cluster1.conf, gmond-cluster2.conf...etc. In these files I've
>>>> set up the cluster name, both udp and tcp ports to the same number,
>>>> and the hostname in the udp_send_channel to 'localhost'
>>> Hi! Is it possible to post your gmond settings?
>>> How did you solve the problem that the reporting node (where aggregation
>>> gmond sits) will also report the self metrics?
>>> My problem is a little different : i try to make a fake gmond for
>>> gmetric input for UPS/RAID/Switches metrics.
>>> Thanks a lot!
>>> Adrian

Attachment: snmp_ups_APC.sh
Description: Binary data

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