On 01/25/2014 09:37 PM, Sergio Ballestrero wrote:
> Hello Adrian, if the host for which you send gmetrics is not a gmond
> "client", you need to also spoof a "heartbeat" metric, else the
> collector will think the host is down :
yeah, i already banged my head on the wall for this...
the things is that i dont know how fust this heartbeat is .. i imagine
that either i should send gmetrics faster than this heartbeat or
increase the time between heartbeats (at this moment it is not clear to
me how this is related to dmax and tmax ... )
is dmax the time-width of the metric value and tmax the heartbeat?
so the cronjob should have an size <= then tmax?

> HOST=ups.example.com IP=$(getent hosts $HOST | cut -d" " -f1) 
> GMON=/etc/ganglia/gmond.UPS.conf T=$(ping -qn -c 1 -w 6 $IP | grep
> rtt | cut -d/ -f 5 | sed s/\\.//) if [ "$T" ] ; then gmetric -c $GMON
> -n ping_time -t uint32 -u us -x 600 -d 7200 -g network -T "ping avg
> time" -H -S ${IP}:${HOST} -v ${T} .... (your custom gmetrics follow
> here)
> and of course in the gmond.UPS.conf you put your separate "collector"
> gmond host and port.
> For the collector host, I run separate "client" gmond and multiple
> "collector" gmond. The latter have separate config files with no
> "udp_send_channel", in this way they don't send to themselves their
!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!! i didn't think about this!

> own host metrics. I think I posted on the list my "gmondsrv" init.d
> script last year or so... mail me if you don't find it.
yes, i have it (you actually responded to one of my post ), thanks a lot!

my problem was this thing with self metrics (i cannot imagine how such a
small thing did not cross my mind!!!)

> Cheers, Sergio
> PS if it's an APC, see the attachment, courtesy of a work colleague.
yes, it is APC. Thanks for the script! ( a lot more organized than mine:) )

but i would have a few questions:
1. given tmax of 600 , do you have the cron job at 600 seconds?
2. the T is used to see if the ups is down i imagine.. but why are you
interested in collecting the ping time?
(i chosen to ignore failed devices with -r 1 -t 0.5; also given the
delay of snmpget i take all the list of vars with a single snmpget,
redirect in a file and format the variables from the file)

Thanks a lot for help!!

> On 25 Jan 2014, at 19:22, Adrian Sevcenco <adrian.sevce...@cern.ch>
> wrote:
>> On 01/25/2014 08:02 PM, Bernard Li wrote:
>>> Hi Adrian:
>> Hi!
>>> You might want to look into "spoofing"...  it might help with
>>> what you're doing.
>> it helps in the sense that i choose the name of package data (e.g
>> data comes from ups1). The problem is the destination : i want to
>> have a distinct cluster (a cluster for upses, one for raid devices,
>> one for switches) so i have to send data to a gmond that reports
>> nothing else. (no other metrics at all, just what i send with
>> gmetric)
>> if i delete all metrics i just get that "no metrics defined"
>> Thanks! Adrian
>>> Cheers,
>>> Bernard
>>> On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 4:19 AM, Adrian Sevcenco 
>>> <adrian.sevce...@cern.ch> wrote:
>>>> On 01/24/2014 10:47 AM, Cristovao Jose Domingues Cordeiro
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thank you for your replies Bernard and Shekar.
>>>>> Actually in the meanwhile I managed to make it work. For
>>>>> those who might want to do the same here's what I did:
>>>>> · Stop gmond and gmetad, and clean the RRD database in the
>>>>> collector (I was getting unspecified clusters and cached
>>>>> information so this was a clean start)
>>>>> · I have 5 clusters so I've created 5 gmond.conf files - 
>>>>> gmond-cluster1.conf, gmond-cluster2.conf...etc. In these
>>>>> files I've set up the cluster name, both udp and tcp ports to
>>>>> the same number, and the hostname in the udp_send_channel to
>>>>> 'localhost'
>>>> Hi! Is it possible to post your gmond settings? How did you
>>>> solve the problem that the reporting node (where aggregation 
>>>> gmond sits) will also report the self metrics?
>>>> My problem is a little different : i try to make a fake gmond
>>>> for gmetric input for UPS/RAID/Switches metrics.
>>>> Thanks a lot! Adrian

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