Here's a quick and dirty example of how this function could be rewritten with
modern C++. I omitted some necessary details, particularly the implementation 
of the
linked list iterator. I also wrote it out quickly so I can't be certain it's 
correct, but it should give you an idea of whats possible.

// I assume you meant to return a pointer
template<typename Iter>
auto test_funct(Iter iter, Iter end, char opt) {
    for (; iter != end; ++iter) {
        // dereferencing iter would get buff
        if (!*iter) { *iter = opt; break; }
    return iter;

I also made an example using the C++ algorithms library.

template<typename Iter>
auto test_funct(Iter begin, Iter end, char opt) {
    auto iter = std::find_if(begin, end, [](auto buff){return !buff;});
    if (iter) {
        *iter = opt;
    return iter;

As I said, there's quite a bit omitted here, to be blunt, implementing both
the fancy pointers (especially when I don't know anything about the hardware) 
the iterators required would be more of a task than I am willing to do. I'm 
to help but I don't think I should be doing unpaid labor :).

These examples would work with anything implementing the C++ iterator
interface, as long as you conform to that interface on both sides, most code 
will be
reusable where it is possible.

Regarding the C++ runtime, I can't speak authoritatively, but I believe that
the C++ runtime is fairly hefty yes. Luckily, plenty of the standard library 
not require it. I believe you'll want to look into GCC's freestanding support to
get a full picture of what is and is not available. Again, I can't speak
authoritatively on the matter, but I think you would be correct to avoid the 
C++ runtime.
There are other pitfalls to beware of, one of my concerns is that templates can
cause some degree of bloat to executable size, I imagine one can get around it 
they try hard enough though. The most real bottleneck you'll encounter in very
large projects is compile time, but that all depends on what you're using, and 
much you're using it, and even then there are mitigations for that.

I'm happy to answer more questions and help, however I'm concerned this is
getting fairly unrelated to GCC.

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