W dniu 4.07.2023 o 17:13, David Brown pisze:

If you have a circular buffer, it is vastly more efficient to have an array with no pointers or indices, and use head and tail indices to track the current position.  But I'm not sure if that is what you are looking for.  And you can use indices in fields for chaining, but the syntax will be different.  (For some microcontrollers, the multiplications involved in array index calculations can be an issue, but not for ARM devices.)

Ring Buffers, yest and no. Thy have their uses, but at this particular case (my current project) using them is pointless. A little explanation: at this point I have an "object" (a structure, or rather a union of structures) with 6 pointers and some additional data. Those 6 pointers are entangled in something that look like "neural network" (although it's NOT one). This structure is sort of a demo, a template. It's expected to grow somewhat for the real thing ... like 3-5 times current structure. This translates to 100-150 bytes each (from current 32bytes) with "big several" expected as total size of the system. And my target is 2K-RAM/4kRAM devices.

I don't imagine turning this web into any amount of RB. In my capacity, that'd make it unmanageable.

But this is just me. I though, people doing embedded out there face similar problems, and a nice compiler "pragma" into direction of named spaces/segments could really help here.


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