On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Piotr Wyderski
<piotr.wyder...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Steven Bosscher wrote:
>>>> Only RMs may set priority.
>>> I beg your pardon?  Where in the docs does it say that?
>> I don't know that, but it's been discussed many times on this list.
> As a mere mortal I've used the priority setting combo
> a few times to specify (perceived) priority, which later
> was adjusted by a person reviewing bug reports (i.e.
> Andrew or Paolo), so, at least technically, it is available
> to anyone.

The priority for regressions (only for regressions) is to control
the release process and thus is reserved to the release managers.
Please do not change priority for regressions from P3 to something
else (you might change it from Pn back to P3 to get RM review).

This should ideally be documented in

I'll work on a patch.


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