On 21 April 2010 19:14, Manuel López-Ibáñez <lopeziba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If someone wants to volunteer to write an article about all the delicious
>> goodness of 4.5.0, that would be cool, and lwn.net and others would
>> be interested in publishing such a thing.  But the RMs have enough work
>> to do as is, so it shouldn't be up to Mark to produce a beautifully
>> written "white paper".
>> As you say, the problem is who will do this job.
> Actually, now that you mention it. I already planned to submit an
> article about all the goodness of GCC 4.5 to LWN. They seem very
> enthusiastic and are waiting for my submission. But work got on the
> way and I have barely started. Nonetheless, both Ian and Diego have
> agreed to read parts of it and suggested other reviewers for the
> topics I plan to cover.
> So, unless anyone is against this plan, I will just try to meet the
> deadlines, and do the best that I can.

But you spoiled the surprise! ;-)


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