Basile Starynkevitch wrote:

> It is really unfortunate the annoucement did not mention plugins,
> another major feature of GCC. Why ?

I consider plug-ins an important feature for the future of GCC.  I gave
a talk this past week as the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit in
which I made the case for modularity of GCC, including plug-ins.  I
(assisting David Edelsohn, who lead the effort) worked with the FSF to
get acceptance for plug-ins for a long time.  So, it's not that I don't
like plug-ins.

But, I don't think that plug-ins are yet a useful thing to announce in
what is essentially a "marketing" context.  Most users won't be able to
use them yet.  We have some infrastructure; we don't have a lot of use
of that infrastructure yet.

More broadly, there are lots of things that didn't make the
announcement.  There have been many important improvements since GCC
4.4.x; they don't all fit in an announcement.  Of course, you're
entirely free to publicize plug-ins as you like in any forum you find

Mark Mitchell
(650) 331-3385 x713

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