the differences between Maxim and Erics final result will hopefully show
the open bugs in both tools
and allow fixing - i think this compare phase is needed if the result
should be the best possible

Am 11.12.2019 um 16:19 schrieb Jonathan Wakely:
On Wed, 11 Dec 2019 at 15:03, Richard Earnshaw (lists) wrote:
> I wouldn't bother with that.  There are known defects in the version of
> reposurgeon that I used to produce that which have since been fixed.  It
> was *never* the point of that upload to ask for correctness checks on
> the conversion (I said so at the time).  Instead it was intended to
> demonstrate the improvements to the commit summaries that I think we can
> make.

My concern is that there is no conversion done using reposurgeon that
*can* be used to do correctness checks.

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