Hi, at Apple's WWDC this year they have announced that they are doing
yet another architecture transition, so I was wondering what exactly
would be the best way to go about adding support for it? The first
issue would be just what to call the new architecture; it seems to be
ARM-based, but there might be some proprietary extensions, so
arm-apple-darwin or aarch64-apple-darwin might not work? The next
issue would be how exactly to go about adding support for it: Apple
had arm-apple-darwin support for gcc in their version of gcc-4.2 that
I don't think they ever contributed back upstream, but that was for
iOS, so I doubt it could just be forward-ported, and even if it could,
previous attempts to grab stuff from Apple's version of gcc-4.2 have
faltered for legal reasons, so that could also be a factor here. I'm
guessing it might be better instead to just start afresh from scratch?
I'd offer to help with testing but I *just* got a new Intel-based Mac
that I haven't even managed to set up yet, so I highly doubt I'll have
any money for a new ARM-based Mac anytime soon... Anyways, I'm
interested to hear what people are thinking.

Eric Gallager

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