On Jun 22, 2020, at 3:51 PM, Eric Gallager <eg...@gwmail.gwu.edu> wrote:
> Hi, at Apple's WWDC this year they have announced that they are doing
> yet another architecture transition, so I was wondering what exactly
> would be the best way to go about adding support for it?

I usually use emacs and git to add ports to gcc.  Just email the changes into 
the patches list and someone will approve them, then you check them in.  All 
pretty trivial and standard.  The hard part, the base port to the CPU is 
already done, so mainly just finishing touches and polishing.  If you want to 
do the work and need a little hand holding through the process, I'd like to 
think we have enough people to help get you started.  Another completely 
different way, would be to find the right type of person that can do the port 
for $500, and offer them money.  I once did a port to a brand new architecture 
for $100 when I was in school.  That port brought up emacs, gcc, bash and a 
some other real nice to have bits of software.  It was a great learning 
experience and I used that emacs and bash a lot, so, the end result was even 

So, do you want to contribute patches?  The neat thing about saying yes, is 
that you might find others that have time or inclination to also contribute, 
but that would rather contribute to something already underway rather than be 
the first.

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