Hey Eric,

Eric Gallager via Gcc <gcc@gcc.gnu.org> wrote:

Hi, at Apple's WWDC this year they have announced that they are doing
yet another architecture transition, so I was wondering what exactly
would be the best way to go about adding support for it? The first
issue would be just what to call the new architecture; it seems to be
ARM-based, but there might be some proprietary extensions, so
arm-apple-darwin or aarch64-apple-darwin might not work?

the triple name is probably the least of our worries :)

The next
issue would be how exactly to go about adding support for it: Apple
had arm-apple-darwin support for gcc in their version of gcc-4.2 that
I don't think they ever contributed back upstream, but that was for
iOS, so I doubt it could just be forward-ported, and even if it could,
previous attempts to grab stuff from Apple's version of gcc-4.2 have
faltered for legal reasons, so that could also be a factor here.

Even if it were legally permissible (IANAL, but my understanding is it’s
not) it would not be viable techncially, there’s just too much difference
between 4.2 and 11.

I’m guessing it might be better instead to just start afresh from scratch?

I’d expect that to be the only option, and that would be assuming that
the new platform was Mach-O or ELF based, and that the code for the
assembler / linker remains public and there’s enough information on the
ISA variant in use, and, and …

Anyways, I’m interested to hear what people are thinking.

Assuming the things mentioned above, it’s technically feasible to make
or update a port …

…doing a complete port from scratch would be far more viable it if was
someone’s ‘Day-job’ ..

absent that, then it’s going to take a loooooong time, I expect.

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