On Wed, 2021-04-07 at 10:51 -0400, Alfred M. Szmidt via Gcc wrote:
>    [...]  That "gnu-stucture" document was written by RMS a couple of
>    months ago and doesn't represent how the GNU project and its
>    maintainers have worked for years.
> It reflects the same message that has been sent to new GNU
> maintainers
> for the decades. The GNU structure and organization document
> (https://www.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-structure.en.html) is basically a
> reflection of that, and how we have been doing things for decades.

"We've always done it this way" is not necessarily a good defence of an
existing practice.

> You can raise any issues you think do not reflect on the lists, or
> with the GNU Advisory Committee.
>    RMS indeed claims to be the "Chief GNUisance" of the GNU project
> and
>    that that title somehow makes him the leader of the project and
> that
>    he appoints GNU maintainers.
> That is true, RMS appoints which projects become GNU projects or not,
> and who maintains them.  And as maintainers we have a lot of freedom,
> as
> can be seen here, and elsewhere.  

What you're describing sounds like a dictatorship to me.

>    The GNU Assembly is having a similar
>    discussion right now
> It should be noted that this group is not associated with the GNU
> project, or represents it in anyway, despite pretending to.

I don't think you get to speak for who is or is not a member of the GNU
project.  As far as I know, "GNU" isn't trademarked.

My opinions, not my employer's, as usual

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