On Thu, 2021-04-08 at 20:21 +0200, John Darrington wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 08, 2021 at 10:54:25AM -0400, David Malcolm wrote:     


>      Some of us don't want RMS in a leadership position in a project
> we're
>      associated with (be it the FSF or GNU, and thus, GCC).
> RMS was the first person to be involved in GNU and GCC.  Others
> became
> involved later (under his leadership).  Their contribution was and
> continues to be welcome.  They are also free to stop contributing any
> time they wish to do so.

I intend to continue contributing to GCC (and to Free Software in
general), but RMS is not my leader.

>      My opinions, not my employer's, as usual.
> Then why do you write this from your employer's email?

My employer gives me permission.

>   That is like
> writing it on the company letterhead.

I disagree.

>   I suggest that when speaking
> for yourself you use your own email.

Given the reaction that some have faced for questioning RMS, I'd prefer
to keep that address private.

As before, these are my opinions, not my employer's.


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