Hi -

> > > [...] I think the LF proposal is the best long term way forward for
> > > the GNU toolchain projects to remain competitive *and* Free. [...]
> > 
> > Can you elaborate what risks in terms of competitiveness or freedom
> > you foresee with the status quo?  This is the first I recall hearing
> > of this concern.
> I don't see a risk to freedom.  The GNU toolchain is quite underfunded
> compared to llvm/clang and IMO it's a major risk to maintain status quo on
> that front.  The GTI opens new avenues for funding aspects of the GNU
> toolchain without affecting its core governance.

What aspects of the gnu toolchain are open to being funded via the
LF/GTI proposal, -other than- the vast majority of the funds being
redirected to its own managed services infrastructure?

- FChE

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