On 2022-10-04 10:41, Frank Ch. Eigler wrote:
I'm afraid I don't understand then what the point of comparing to LLVM
with respect to competitiveness or freedom was. AIUI, infrastructure
is an enabler, not really a competitive differentiator.
I suppose that's a difference in our perception then. I think of
infrastructure as an accelerator and not just an enabler, which makes it
a serious competitive differentiator.
Do you think the current proposal is not an upgrade to what we
currently have?
I don't know. I am not under the impression that infrastructure is
holding back development on any of these projects. Further, I suspect
that if the communities were given a choice to direct the sponsors'
generous donations toward new development type work, they may well
prefer that. Is that possibility on offer?
Not in this proposal AFAICT (I have exactly the same information as you
do) but IMO it would be great if it happens and the project communities
accept it.