Thanks again!


--- Stephen Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Karthik Parashar wrote:
> > Hi again!
> > 
> > I want to know the following about the VVP
> simulator
> > implementation.
> > 
> > The Question:
> > What is the difference between a functor and an
> event
> > is in terms of the simulation simulation
> technique?
> I don't know (or don't remember) which version you
> are using; the
> v0.8 branch or the devel main trunk. I'll assume the
> main trunk.
> The edge event nodes are functors. All they do is
> remember what
> the value used to be at its input, note the new
> value, and
> detect the edge. The any_edge functor is similar.
> The named event is also a functor, but it pays no
> heed to the
> value that arrives. It detects an event on any input
> at all.
> The input to a named event is normally from a %set
> instruction
> in a thread.
> The event_or functor is most like a named event, in
> that any
> input causes the event to trigger. It also sends an
> output that
> is typically used to nest event/or functors.
> All event functors also carry a list of threads that
> are waiting
> on the event. When the event is triggered, whatever
> type the
> event is, it causes all the threads in the list to
> be awakened
> and scheduled for execution.
> - --
> Steve Williams                "The woods are lovely,
> dark and deep.
> steve at           But I have promises to
> keep,
>         and lines to code
> before I sleep,
>       And lines to code
> before I sleep."
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