I've made a new snapshot of pcb. I made this one so quickly after the previous partly because of the continued outage of the anonymous CVS server which has prevented interested users from tracking CVS sources. Also this snapshot fixes a couple of big bugs (load layout menu didn't do anything).

As always, you can find the snapshot from http://pcb.sf.net



Release Notes for PCB snapshot 20060422
- Several minor portability fixes for Solaris and the SunPRO compiler and
  for Irix and the MIPSpro compiler.

- Added --psfade option for the postscript HID.

- Fixed a bug where the "load layout" and some other menu choices
  didn't do anything.

- Added remaining actions to the actions reference section of the manual.

- Worked around X11 polluting the name space with some of the X header files.

- Fix route style "Save as default" bug.

- For the Gtk HID, add an alternate vertical window layout mode to
  help on lower vertical resolution displays.

- Fix soldermask draw while TAB view from solder side.

- Change default PNG output scaling to be 100 dpi instead of fixing
  the max dimension at 800 pixels.

- Added background image support for the GTK HID (lesstif one has it too).

- Fix missing window icons for the main GTK window and log window.

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