Peter Clifton wrote:
On Thu, 2006-09-28 at 17:37 -0400, Dan McMahill wrote:
Dan McMahill wrote:
Jeff VR wrote:
If you find your gnet-gsch2pcb.scm (part of the gnetlist install) file, whats the version? Or actually, whats the geda version you're using? I'll see about sending you a hacked up version of this file that will save out an intermediate file that we can use to get to the bottom of this.

I just reproduced the fault with the test.scm attached earlier by Jeff
VR, and have the following in pkgfile:


(""" are just quotations, not in the file).

Running this through m4 manually (pcb-bin: 20050609 - appears a later
package isn't easily installable on Ubuntu), I see m4 keeps adding pin
after pin after pin until I give up watching.

Poking about, it appears that any macro PKG_TSSOP-?????? results in the
same result, incidentally, the same as running PKG_TSSOP() on its own.
Is "-" infact an illegal character in a Macro name - and hence illegal
in a footprint name?

Perhaps try replacing "-" with "_" (and renaming the newlib file?) I've
not got the newlib file with that footprint copied onto this computer,
so haven't tried myself.

As has been posted on the mailing lists before (I'd not have figured it
out myself), you can invoke m4 similar to the following:

m4 -I /usr/share/pcb/m4/ /usr/share/pcb/m4/common.m4 -

and get an interactive view of what M4 expands each line as. (You type
things gsch2pcb or PCB would normally send it, e.g. the contents
of /tmp/pkgfile, and it spews footprint in newlib format.

Peter Clifton

geda-user mailing list

I changed the "-" in the footprint name to "_" and the symptom is gone!!! Good grief. I opened the resulting pcb file and sure was excited to see that footprint.

>I see m4 keeps adding pin after pin after pin until I give up watching.
Yep, if I let the erroniouse pcb file creation proceed it eventually gives a message saying that it killed M4. I ran tail on my 800KB pcb file and found 22,020 pads were created before the process was stopped.

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