> As the relation between 'device' and 'supplier' is a many-many
> relationship, you'd be better off creating just another table,

I also recommend (and have been thinking about) a multi-table database.

One maps symbols to a symbol class (i.e. the N different ways to show
a resistor), one maps classes to specific parts (manufacturer PN), one
maps specific parts to vendors/prices/etc.

The first two are treated like one table (symbol->part) since you
don't have a choice about the symbol class, it just "is".  Given some
preferences, that's enough to get you to a pcb footprint.  The second
table is used to complete the BOM, calculate pricing, and prepare an
order.  Also, checking the second table lets you qualify entries in
the first table; if you can't order it, don't pick it :-)

I suppose we could have footprint classes, too, to handle the
"least/normal/most" suffixes we have for some parts.


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