On Tuesday 02 October 2007 06:27:08 Bert Timmerman wrote:

> FWIW, we could always fall back to "light" symbols and manually add all
> the necessary attributes and ... err  ;-)

Peter C & I have been working on a new library of (extra) light symbols, 
trying to keep them as consistent in shape and scale as we can[1].  We hope 
that in the future the old heavy-ish symbols bundled with gEDA can be rolled 
off to gedasymbols, and only the new light symbols need be distributed as 
part of the suite.  This appeals, because it makes things slightly clearer to 
end users; the main gEDA library is not meant to even pretend to be a 
complete set of all symbols you might ever need!

(Peter C, where can I get your changes to my symbol set?)


[1] This will be particularly useful when using gschem to draw diagrams for 
documents such as experiment write-ups/lecture notes/exam papers/reports for 

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