Hi Levente,

I grabbed yesterdays tarball from your cvs repository.

dbsym compiled after I installed the mysql-devel-5.0.27 package (for

After trying to start up with dbsym -f ../test/dbsymrc it reports:
can't open config file: ~/dbsymrc: No such file or directory
can't open config file: ./dbsymrc: No such file or directory
Unknown MySQL server host 'chacha' (1)
Error connecting to database server

Would it be possible to include the test database into your repository
as it is probably not that large yet.

Kind regards,

Bert Timmerman.

On Mon, 2007-10-01 at 18:16 +0000, Levente wrote:
> Christoph Lechner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> > 
> > Levente wrote:
> >> Duncan Drennan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>> I'm back from Stuttgart where I could hack a bit on my database stuff.
> >>>> Now, I have a command line SQL client, which can be used as a chooser. It
> >>>> takes command line arguments as search parameters, and makes an SQL 
> >>>> query, and
> >>>> prints the result.
> >>> Levente, where could I find out more about what exactly your programme 
> >>> does?
> >> 
> >> I am about to write a README for it, and check it into my CVS repository, 
> >> but
> >> my washingmachine died, so I have to go to my parents to do the whashing.
> >> 
> >> But in a nutshell, it looks up a component from a mySQL database, and
> >> parse the result. The database is online, and so you can see what is
> >> inside.
> > OK. I took a look at the database. So a question came to mind when I saw
> > the layout of the 'device' table:
> > Why do you store the relationship between entries in the 'device' table
> > and entries in the 'supplier' table in fields named supplier*,
> > ordering_code*, price* in the 'device' table? What if there are more
> > than 3 suppliers for any given part?
> > 
> > As the relation between 'device' and 'supplier' is a many-many
> > relationship, you'd be better off creating just another table, holding
> > the device's ID, the ID of the supplier and fields for the ordering_code
> > and the price. Then you only need to LEFT JOIN the tables
> > rel-device-supplier and supplier and you get all suppliers for a given
> > part. This would give you a somewhat tidier DB layout ...
> This is a good point, and my client code doesn't need so much tweek to
> implement this. I think it doesn't need any, hence it is a component chooser.
> But sure this method gives much more flexibility on the supplier business.
> Thank you very much for your comment!

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