Hi all,

I just installed the latest gEDA binary suite
(gedasuite-linux-x86-0.0.2), but right away, I stumble upon a serious
snag: PCB doesn' t see the component footprints I created myself.

I used to keep keep my hundred or so home-brew Newlib-style footprints
in /share/pcb/newlib/user_defined; and in previous versions of PCB, this
directory duly showed up under "newlib" in PCB's library window,
complete with all my footprints. At the most, I had to restart PCB after
adding new footprints here.

After installing the latest version in my own home directory, I copied
this footprint directory to ~/geda-0.0.2/share/pcb/newlib/ -- but
nothing shows up. New footprints added to existing newlib directories
don't show up either.

It's almost as if some path setting is wrong or missing; yet I did add
the geda-0.0.2/bin directories to $PATH, and geda-0.0.2/share/man to
$MANPATH (I added the export commands to .bash_profile). The only
difference with the previous version is that there appears to be no 
reference any more to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but adding this path doesn't
solve anything. PCB refuses to see any changes in the newlib directory.

Adding a .fp extension to footprint files didn't help -- but that's to
be expected if PCB doesn't even see new directories under newlib.

I also checked the latest PCB manual, but I didn't find anything
relating to this problem there either. And of course I searched the
mailing list archives.

So the question is: what did I do wrong?

Thanks in advance,

Richard Rasker

geda-user mailing list

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