Op woensdag 01-10-2008 om 10:28 uur [tijdzone -0400], schreef Ales
> [snip]
> >Yet these doesn't appear to relate to the structure under /share/pcb/newlib/.
> Do you really have a /share/pcb/newlib directory?  As in a directory
> in the root directory called /share?

No, sorry, this directory resides under ~/geda-0.0.2. I simply unpacked
gedasuite-linux-x86-0.0.2.tar.bz2 in my home directory, started
install.sh, and entered my home directory (the default, IIRC) as the
install directory.

> [snip]
> > What I don't understand is why I have to bother with these things all of
> > a sudden -- and why this doesn't appear to be documented anywhere. All
> > the manuals simply say that I can simply create footprints and save
> > these somewhere under the newlib directory. And in previous gEDA
> > versions, I never encountered these problems.
> How did you install these previous versions of gEDA?

With previous versions, I downloaded the ISO CD image, mounted it as a
loopback device, and fired up the install script which compiled and set
everything up automatically.

> gedasuite-0.0.2 is kind of special and obviously has some bugs in this
> area.  I will try this out myself (add a custom library to pcb) and
> see what happens.

Thanks already, and I hope I get things working soon -- I'm a rather
stuck now :-/

Best regards,

Richard Rasker

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