Op woensdag 01-10-2008 om 15:31 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Peter Clifton:


> To teach gsch2pcb to find your _packages_, you want to add on the
> command line:
> -d /path/to/packages (or --elements-dir /path/to/packages)
> OR, add the directive in your gsch2pcb project file:
> elements-dir /path/to/packages
> OR, make use or project local packages, and the fact that gsch2pcb will
> always hunt in the folder called "packages" in the current directory.
> Run gsch2pcb --help for more info.

Sorry to keep bothering everyone with my problems, but I still have
serious trouble telling (x)gsch2pcb the location of my local footprints.

The question is simple: The directory /home/richard/electron/local_fps
contains my local footprints. Now I'd like to tell gsch2pcb (and
xgsch2pcb -- very nice tool, BTW!) about this location, regardless of
the project. Lots of these components (and hence footprints) are used in
several projects, therefore I wish to have these globally available.

So far, the -d command line option of gsch2pcb works, but that's no use
with xgsch2pcb. Also, it's a bit bothersome to have to enter this
library path every single time.

So I tried adding the following line to the project file

elements-dir "/home/richard/electron/local_fps"

Alas, xgsch2pcb doesn't recognize this as a valid option, and I can't
find any help or options listing for this tool. Then I tried creating a
gafrc file with the following line:

(component-library "/home/richard/electron/local_fps")

but this doesn't work either (but I understand this is for symbols, not
footprints, so this isn't really surprising). Nevertheless, I tried
copying this file to several locations (my home directory, the project
directory, ~/.gEDA/); I tried adding the line to system-garfrc, I tried
adding a library-newlib line to ~/.pcb/preferences, and I tried a
source-library line in gafrc instead. During these attempts, I perused
the mailing list archives and several gEDA tutorials, but all to no
avail -- so now I don't know what else to try but to return to this
mailing list ...

It must of course be possible to use xgsch2pcb with local footprint
libraries -- so what am I doing wrong? How can I tell gsch2pcb and
xgsch2pcb once and for all that I want to use the footprints
in /home/richard/electron/local_fps?

Thanks in advance once more, and my apologies for not being able to
solve these simple matters myself. No doubt the answer to this is
somewhere in the tutorials or documentation, but I can't find it.

Best regards,

Richard Rasker

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