On Oct 22, 2008, at 7:31 PM, John Doty wrote:

> On Oct 22, 2008, at 10:01 AM, Peter TB Brett wrote:
>> On Wednesday 22 October 2008 16:36:47 Frank Miles wrote:
>>> While a geda-newbie, over the years I've developed a set of
>>> programs which
>>> use a (Postgresql-based) database to update and error check
>>> schematics
>>> originating in a DOS-based OrCAD.  I would like to have similar
>>> capabilities in gschem/pcb. A key requirement is to be able to
>>> read and
>>> write component information (attributes) by external programs.
>>> ** Where/how can an external program read and/or write component
>>> attributes?? **
>> Your best bet is probably either:
>> (1) Link against libgeda, or
>> (2) Process the (pretty straightforward) file format yourself.
> or
> (3) write a gnetlist back end (not as hard as it looks): gnetlist is
> effectively the tool for libgeda scripting.


(4) use Parse:GEDA:Gschem to read/modify/write attributes with a perl  
     on the model of demo/demo_geda-usch.pl included in the package.

I am in the process of collecting a wish-lists about AML/PLM  
interaction in an effort to build and adapt such tool for broader  
audience for update and error check of schematics. Anyone interested  
please speak-up.



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