Hi --

Please accept my apologies for this off-topic post.  However, I
figured that folks on this list are knowledgable about this type of

My old laptop has gotten old and is starting to act like it should be
retired.  I use it for hacking (including working on gEDA stuff on
those now rare occasions when I get to it), writing, accessing the
net, and as the primary computer when I travel.  Its replacement (if I 
go that route) would be heavily used on a sporadic basis.  It should
be reasonably fast & have a large RAM.  My main tasks involve using
OpenOffice and the various gcc tools (and gEDA related stuff).

Ordinarily I'd buy a reconditioned IBM Stink Pad from IBM, and then
stick Fedora on it.  Stink Pads are mechanically robust, and they play
with Linux easily.  However, IBM has sold the Stink Pad division to
China, and I am reluctant to get a Levano because of quality concerns.

So, does anybody in here have recommendations for a good laptop?  Or
do you have any laptops to avoid?



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