On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 2:16 PM, Ken Lauffenburger <k...@aavatech.com> wrote:
>   One more recommendation for MacBook Pro.  I bought this unit (17"
>   version maxed out) a year ago and I love it.  No hardware or software
>   problems so far and screaming fast.  I use VMware Fusion to run Gentoo
>   Linux on it and I am in that context at least 90% of the time.  So far
>   I have developed 5 PCBs using gEDA on Linux/VMware on this unit.
>   Originally I had planned on installing Linux natively on the MacBook
>   using a separate partition (I have heard it works great) but I have
>   found that I like the ability to switch between OSX and Linux quickly
>   without a reboot.
>   --ken

I use a similar, but lower-end, setup, with Ubuntu under virtualbox on
a 1st-gen macbook.

It works, but I much prefer CAD work on a real desktop with a
multi-button mouse.  It's hard for me to even function in gEDA with
the one-button mouse.  How to you guys cope?

Mark Rages, Engineer
Midwest Telecine LLC

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