I am at the second laptop now. And I had trouble installing Slackware on 
With the first one, a MSI L720, I had problems with sound and wireless but
I had them working after a week of net digging and a few hours of kernel 
With today's kernels it would probably work out of the box now that 
RaLink wifi
drivers are in the kernel. The last problem I had with it, probably 
because of RoHS,
some solder joints got some tiny cracks. Lucky me - for now just on the 
power lines.

The second one, a HP Pavilion dv6700, all worked fine with Linux except the
wireless drivers. It seems that I got a particular Atheros chip that 
took me more
than 2 months of net search to have it working. Only a mysterious 
combination of
drivers and HAL binaries work for it. Keep an eye on madwifi project if 
you choose HP.

On the other side, the reason I write this message from the HP is 
because it can play
Openarena and Nexuiz very very well. And I like to see the CPU down from 
2GHz to
800MHz when no serious computation power is needed.

Other than these, I miss the 17'' screen and the full keyboard (with 
numpad) from the
old MSI.

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