
Mentor Graphics provides schematic and board level translators

Altrium does as well and did about 55 million in sales last year.

Steve Meier

On Fri, 2009-01-30 at 13:53 -0700, John Doty wrote:
> On Jan 30, 2009, at 12:23 PM, Steve Meier wrote:
> >
> >>>>
> >>>> When Jobs and Wozniak were tinkering in that garage, the dominant
> >>>> computer hardware was System/370. They were wise not to try to
> >>>> compete with that.
> >>>
> >>> jobs and woz used a disruptive technology (the integrated  
> >>> circuit) to
> >>> compete with the bigger hardware.
> >>
> >> And FOSS is disruptive technology, for sure.
> >
> >
> > FOSS is a disruptive technology when you have a large number of
> > developers, Each working part time or being payed from their job. This
> > isn't the case with geda.
> Well, I don't know. gEDA is certainly empowering me in a pretty  
> radical way. But of course, you always have to use the strength of  
> the tool, not fight against it.
> >
> >
> >>
> >>>
> >>> geda and pcb lag far behind in interoperability with other layout
> >>> programs and with vendor support for capabilities such as  
> >>> programming
> >>> their flying probe testers.
> >>
> >> I've never used pcb, so I can't comment. But gEDA is a great front
> >> end to every layout flow I've encountered.
> >>
> >>>
> >
> > I agree the geda works as a front end tool.
> Better than anything else around, I think. That's a major strength we  
> should build upon.
> > But you can't take a geda
> > schematic and send it to an orcad user and do them any good.
> Never could take a Viewlogic schematic and send it to an Orcad user  
> either. So there's nothing new here.
> > Nor can you
> > take an orcad file and use it. This is a very tall wall which stops
> > people from being able to work together.
> Even the major commercial tools can't break down each other's walls.
> >
> >
> >>>
> >>> Would open office be as big a player if it couldn't handle doc  
> >>> and xls
> >>> files?
> >>>
> >>
> >> Different game. The big tools can't even interoperate with each
> >> other: ever try to exchange a design with EDIF (shudder)?
> >>
> >
> >
> > A different game? I think not. See the tall wall discussion above.
> Would you think it important to get TeX to read Word files?  
> Versatile, effective toolkit versus bloated, inefficient tool. I hope  
> gEDA stays versatile and effective.
> John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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