These are importers, but you were talking about exporters before. But  
yes, there's more support for interoperabilty than I knew about.

On Jan 30, 2009, at 2:28 PM, Steve Meier wrote:

> Mentor Graphics provides schematic and board level translators
> Altrium does as well and did about 55 million in sales last year.

Hmm, if they have a price on their site at all it's buried,  
suggesting big $$. If they're comparable to their competitors, $55  
million is only a couple of thousand seats. gEDA may actually have  
more users than they do, as widely distributed as it is. So what are  
we worried about here, exactly?

> +OrCAD

This thread and others make me worry that we don't appreciate what we  
have in gEDA.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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