On Sun, 2009-11-15 at 16:20 +0100, Stefan Salewski wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-11-12 at 23:54 +0100, Christoph Lechner wrote:
> > 
> > Others mentioned it already, but the ASCII file format is a big plus of
> > gEDA and PCB. Keeping the files in revision control systems is no
> > problem, as the diffs are so small compared to a binary file where the
> > whole file is stuffed in the RCS.
> > 
> I think it would be very fine to have something like gedasymbols for
> schematics and layouts.

Stefan, I think you have hit upon an _excellent_ idea, although it would
take resources to implement though, and administration.

The kind of value-add you could have with a specialist hosting site,
would be web-rendered previews of .sch files, footprints etc.. as on

Ales.. in theory, does gpleda.org have enough resources to host some
electronic design projects? (On a case-by-case basis).

If people are serious about making this happen, they might have to fund
Ales the hardware and bandwidth required - or set up a separate service.

I realise that I'm hypothetically offering resources which are not mine,
but having something like "projects.gpleda.org", offer git hosting up to
a certain size (for open electronics design projects) would be quite

Assuming our purposes align, having open EDA projects (using gEDA tools)
hosted at the gpleda.org domain sounds quite neat. (Even if the "gpl" in
the domain name might confuse, or be an issue for open hardware projects
which use different licenses).

If this were a commercial, pay-for service with private repositories,
I'd be interested to (make companies I've worked for) pay for private
off-site hosting in order to backup design work. It could also open
interesting possibilities for design collaboration.

I'm sure you could use git-hub for something like this, but again.. the
EDA specific bent would be the selling point of a dedicated service.

Anyone fancy a start-up internet company ;) ?

> I think the biggest problem of this idea is the protection against
> criminal people who upload illegal data.

I personally think the biggest problem is the work to get it into a
slick, automated service.

Hosting data also costs money (hardware, bandwidth, administration,
backups..), so there would also have to be some model for paying for it.

If you make it so that sign-up requires manual administrator approval,
that rate-limits "their" ability to open new accounts, and anyone found
abusing the system can be kicked off and banned. Other SCM hosting
services must have faced (and overcome) similar issues.

Best wishes,

Peter C.

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