Peter Clifton wrote:
On Wed, 2010-02-10 at 11:38 -0600, John Griessen wrote:

 Every time you
touch something in gschem, several data files are "out of date" instantly.
You could know that things are always "out of date" until the project is done
and not worry about it -- except for pressing the make button often...
Some update processes can take absolutely ages to run (HDL synthesis?),
and some might trample on open files with changes.

Yes, good reasons.  I'm just thinking of something easy and still reasonable
so making sure the Makefile is consistent with that is important and needs
docs to help newbies go beyond the templates to arrive at their own style.

An interesting question is this.. (say) for the gschem -> PCB work-flow,
at what point do you consider the PCB to be "up to date"? Is it once the
user has saved the board - later than the schematics, or is there some
deeper criterion about the layout matching the netlist, and passing DRC?

There can be more than one Makefile action to do.  There could be GUI buttons
for One for dealing with schematic changes--> make netlist
to generate a netlist, one for dealing with forward annotation--make annotate, 
one for
extracting layout capacitances-->make extract, etc.

This is perhaps something to address from the
view of how these update processes are structured.

Oh, sure thing.  Figuring how not to stomp on open files is important. I've 
done that
in the past by creating a succession of
save file names like basefilename-a.sch   basefilename-b.sch
in addition to the project named files, but saved in a subdir called backups.
It's kind of like using a version control system, which is what I do now.
If you also used a version control system
at the same time it would use up lots of disk space redundantly.  Instead of 
just running the version control system with every make could be 
reasonable...except that
seems to get into what you were wanting in the first place -- to know what 
needs committing to git
in case you made some new files, as in symbols. :-)  Committing the iterations 
of schematic and layout
and netlist files might automate easily -- Git detects that changes have been 
apart from new files Git might be used to tell what is "up to date"?

What do you think of that Peter?


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