On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 22:47:11 -0500
DJ Delorie <d...@delorie.com> wrote:

> > 1.  None of my custom footprints are being pulled into the layout.
> Do you have the search path set in pcb?  The old way used gafrc, the
> new way uses pcb's own search path.

You mean in the "Library" section of the preferences?  Mine contains just the
single entry I put there, "/home/vanessa/Footprints"  (which is actually a
symlink into my gedasymbols.org repository, for readability). My footprints
show up in the Library window as "Footprints/Custom", along with the usual
sections for "newlib", "pcblib", and "pcblib-newlib".

> > 2. Some pins on PCB's stock footprints are being renamed without
> > corresponding changes being made to the netlist. For example footprint
> > ACY100 starts out with pins numbered 1 and 2 in both footprint and
> > netlist, but ends up with the pins on the footprint being named "+" and
> > "-", respectively, breaking the connections in the netlist.
> Hmm... we've always renamed the pins, did this break before?

Actually, let's set this point aside for now - on closer inspection, it looks
like I called it wrong.  The errors look like they're all related to the
footprints that are getting lost.

"There are some things in life worth obsessing over.  Most
things aren't, and when you learn that, life improves."
Vanessa Ezekowitz <vanessaezekow...@gmail.com>

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