Here is my idea of how it could work....

I have a skeleton Makefile which I use as the glue between the various
gEDA programmes (attached). It is a really basic thing as I am not
particularly clued up on the use of make, but it functions well for my
purposes. If it could be useful I'm happy to put the GPL boilerplate
onto it (although that might not be the best choice).

If there was a mechanism to call the file from within a schematic
(gschem) it could do a lot of what people are asking for, as well as
be modified and extended to do all the particular tasks that may be
needed for specific situations.

The Makefile would sit in the schematic directory, and gschem could
have a menu which gave access to the make targets. It could be
something like this (just an example - could even be user

   - Set project files (this would require an extra dialogue that
would set the Makefile variables)
   - Edit attributes (opens gattrib on the whole project)
   - Update refdes' (runs refdes_renum on the project - would require
a reload of the schematic)
   - Create bom
   - Update PCB (runs gsch2pcb)
   - Open PCB (opens the PCB in pcb)

All gschem would need is a mechanism to run a command line program (I
have no idea how difficult that is) and the Makefile technique allows
plenty of flexibility for power users. New users would be happy to
have a useful predefined set of targets for "typical" work flows.

If someone wanted to run a DRC on the schematics and open the output
in a text editor it is just a matter of added the DRC option to the
menu and changing the Makefile to open the output in their favourite

If this kind of mechanism was used it would be helpful to be able to
update a modified schematic from within gschem instead of having to
close and reload (or is there a way to do this and I've just missed

It seems like a way which wouldn't require too much effort and
maintains the work flow flexibility.


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