On Wed, 2010-02-10 at 16:00 -0600, John Griessen wrote:


> It's kind of like using a version control system, which is what I do now.
> If you also used a version control system
> at the same time it would use up lots of disk space redundantly.  Instead of 
> that,
> just running the version control system with every make could be 
> reasonable...except that
> seems to get into what you were wanting in the first place -- to know what 
> needs committing to git
> in case you made some new files, as in symbols. :-)  Committing the 
> iterations of schematic and layout
> and netlist files might automate easily -- Git detects that changes have been 
> made.
> apart from new files Git might be used to tell what is "up to date"?
> What do you think of that Peter?

Integrating with a version control system would be cool. It doesn't have
to be git - I think most have enough similar concepts to be used in this
way. Meld / Anjuta / {insert other projects here} already do VCS
integration (with various back-ends) and I'm sure it wouldn't be too
hard to automate.

This said.. even I am wondering at this point - whether this is a step
too far integrated ;)  I've never actually used VCS integration in any
tool like this - always preferring to trust what I know, and use the
command line.

I wouldn't want to see gschem grow a git log viewer, or anything like

Most of the time, I follow pretty poor practices when using VCS with
LaTeX / LyX docs, and gEDA projects. I typically end up with a linear
history reading "Work in progress" "Work in progress"... basically using
the VCS as a time-line based snapshot of my work-dir (at least for the
files I remember to (git add in the first place!).

For my purposes, a button which performs "Save; git commit -a" would do
the trick. Of course.. sods law dictates that it is the file you forgot
to add to the VCS which you'll want to revert some change in ;)

Best wishes,

Peter C.

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