Thank you for adding gcode export to gEDA/PCB. I've been using it to mill boards PCBs with great results using with EMC2 and a $600 zentoolworks CNC.

Two questions:

- Is there a way to break up the drill file so that I can switch bits? I'm getting by with using one bit for all vias, but it is not ideal.

- I'm struggling with cut lines. Specifically, cutting out the mounting holes and the circuit board edges. It would great if there was a way to select specific traces or vias for different mill-depths. Even better if I could control the order in which the cuts are made so I don't have a circuit board that has been cut free from it's clamping before the mount holes were cut. I've been creating multiple pcb files with the objects that I need different mill-depths. This kind of works, but quickly turns into a nightmare when changes are made to the original circuit.

Does anyone have more elegant solutions? I'm happy to use a 3rd party program like gcam or even inkscape if necessary.

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