Am 30.04.2011 um 09:14 schrieb Alberto Maccioni:

At the time I posted very specific objections to some of the patches;
if you didn't bother to answer is your problem.

Your message was clearly a "don't touch anything". You had objections with about any of the enhancements, couldn't propose solutions and didn't bother to recognize adjustments made for your single use-case.

Of course none of the developers will ever commit a patch that breaks
functionality for any of the users.

OK, let's one user be happy and cripple all others. This is at least a strategy.

It whouldn't bother me to leave the patchset where it is if I hadn't difficulties to convince people to use gEDA. Which leads to the question: is there a way to compile exporters as a plug-in?


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Dipl. Ing. (FH) Markus Hitter

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