Am 28.04.2011 um 11:14 schrieb Alberto Maccioni:

There was a patch that did something like that, ...

You probably mean this set of patches:

... but it broke the "minimum distance" path optimization,

This was fixed the day you mentioned it. Perhaps a day later :-)

Am 26.04.2011 um 21:26 schrieb Mikey Sklar:

- Is there a way to break up the drill file so that I can switch bits? I'm getting by with using one bit for all vias, but it is not ideal.

With the above patchset, drills are sorted by diameter and marked with comments, so it isn't too difficult to hand-edit the G-Code file. You can get G81 drill cycles with "advanced g-code" or a replacement using G0/G1 by default.

- I'm struggling with cut lines. Specifically, cutting out the mounting holes and the circuit board edges.

The patchset also introduces milling the outline layer, if only a rectangle one for now. Holes can be drill-milled, so the most common cases go automatically.

For more complex cases, make one layer for each type of milling, then export with only that layer visible. Layers in the solder/bottom group are mirrord, others not. Repeat for each milling case. Not exactly ideal, but a more general approach quickly becomes pretty complex.

Oh, and I hope the patchset still applies, it was last adjusted on march 7th.


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Dipl. Ing. (FH) Markus Hitter

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