On Jul 8, 2011, at 2:47 PM, <fr...@frankthomson.net> <fr...@frankthomson.net> 

> I have been looking at the gschem file format, seems very
> straight forward and I created the symbols for the standard cells in the
> verilog netlists. A rats nest is fine, will never edit the schematic of
> any file created from the verilog file.

I set a message yesterday that's relevant to your approach, but it appears not 
to have made it to the list. So, I'm resending it to the list and to you.

> On Jul 7, 2011, at 4:31 PM, <fr...@frankthomson.net> <fr...@frankthomson.net> 
> wrote:
>>  I've looked at the mailing list archives and seen people ask but
>>  haven't seen if anyone has code to take a verilog netlist and create a
>>  gschem file from it. I don't care about what the schematic looks like,
>>  can be ugly. I just need to get it into gschem format to run through
>>  gnetlist to a different netlist format.
>>  Why? Well, I'm getting files from different tools (gschem along with
>>  tools from other sites) and the common format I can generate is verilog
>>  which works out well because I'm using icarus verilog for simulation.
>>  The next step in the process requires running the design through
>>  gnetlist but since gnetlist only reads gschem files as input I need to
>>  get the verilog files to gschem to feed gnetlist.
> Well, the back end is easy. See 
> http://www.gedasymbols.org/user/john_doty/tools/pins2gsch.html.
> This script generates a .sch file that contains connectivity data, but no 
> useful graphics. The input is a trivial TSV representation of a netlist.
> Given a parser for the input netlist format(s), the same approach could be 
> used to merge netlists from other sources. Of course, the parser is the 
> difficult part.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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