|For the scrolling proposal: scrolling triggered by cursor near to |window
|border works fine in fullscreen, for normal window it is IMHO not |good.
|But IMHO we could use pan view only in fullscreen mode.
Ok, updated at wiki. It will be really a mess to try to fit thumbails and
other kind of information of the selected picture on normal mode. We can
leave pan view only in fullscreen mode later, and later consider to make
some adaptation in normal window mode.

If we don't, I think we can loose some interesting features on usual use of
navigation programs: let a user move a pic from one folder to another.

An alternative, is to let user to select a pic or group of pics, in pan view
mode ( full screen); and return back to normal navigation mode; allowing to
move them wherever user wants to.

> BTW, when I am looking at the map widget, libchamplain and clutter, it
> might
> be worth investigating if we could use the clutter library as a pan view
> backend.
> http://www.clutter-project.org/

i did not have time to have a look yet. I've been ill last week, so I could
not work on the project :(. On the overview, I see it uses Open GL. that's
nice, because i was working with it for 4 months; in a subject at university
( Visualization and Graphic Interaction).

The additional dependency should not be a big problem, because it will
> be needed anyway for the map widget and it should be possible to make whole
> pan view optional, if necessary.

I agree. I even prefer to let it as a dependency; we can consider later if
we offer a version without pan view.

PD: If anyone wants the main project I was working at unviersity using Qt
and OpenGL; just ask me. It's about a spaceship that randomly moves across
the solar system. It uses most of featueres of OpenGL: lighting, camera
position,resizing, etc.
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