See also: Doctorate § Germany
<>, and § History and
etymology <>

In order to hold the rank of Full Professor within the German system, it is
necessary to have attained the habilitation or "habilitation-equivalent
achievements" that can be demonstrated by leading a research group,
being a Junior
or other achievements in research and teaching. The habilitation is thus a
qualification at a higher level than the German doctoral degree
<> awarded during *Promotion
<>*. It is usually earned
after several years of independent research, either "internally" while
working at a university in a position as a *Wissenschaftlicher
Assistent* ("scientific
assistant", a position equivalent to assistant professor when filled by a
doctorate-holder) or *Akademischer Rat* (academic councilor) or
"externally" as a practitioner such as high school teacher, lawyer, etc.

Only those candidates receiving the highest or second-highest grade for
their doctoral thesis are encouraged to proceed to the habilitation. Since
2006, in some federal states of Germany, there have been new restrictions
by the federal laws regarding the degree of the doctoral thesis which allow
only excellent candidates to enter the process of *Habilitation*.

Once the habilitation thesis (*Habilitationsschrift*) and all other
requirements are completed, the candidate (called *Habilitand* in German)
"has habilitated himself" and receives the degree "Dr. habil." (with the
specification, such as "Dr. rer. nat. habil."). It depends on the state or
on the university whether the Habilitation counts *de jure* as an
additional doctorate separate from the original one (in which case he would
be a "Dr. rer. nat. Dr. rer. nat. habil.").

A distinct procedure, but a formality after completing the habilitation, is
officially receiving the *venia legendi*, Latin for "permission for
lecturing", or the *ius docendi*, "right of teaching" a specific academic
subject at universities for a lifetime. Someone in possession of the *venia
legendi* but not any professorship
<> is called a *Privatdozent
<>* (for men) or
*Privatdozentin* (for
women), abbreviated *PD* or *Priv.-Doz.*. The status as a Privatdozent
requires doing some teaching even in order to keep up the title (
*Titellehre* or titular teaching).

Note that the distinction "Dr. habil." is almost never used together with
"Privatdozent", as it is implied therein, and only rarely with "Professor",
in which it used to be implied.

2017-12-15 18:04 GMT+01:00 Jonathan Goeij <>:

> Saya kurang paham habilation, apakah maksudnya post doctoral?
> On Friday, December 15, 2017, 9:00:24 AM PST, kh djie <>
> wrote:
> Di Jerman saya dengar yang boleh mengajar di universitas Doctor Habilation.
> Jadi sudah doctor, tetapi promotie lagi unuk ke dua kalinya ?
> Dari Doctor Habil, baru bisa jadi professor di sana ?
> Mungkin bung Jo bisa menjelaskan.
> 2017-12-15 17:54 GMT+01:00 Jonathan Goeij
> [GELORA45] <>:
> Itu benar, di US juga begitu. Namanya kalau tidak salah Teaching Assistant.
> ---In, <djiekh@...> wrote :
> Kalau di Belanda, orang yang sedang ambil gelar doctor, jadi belum doctor,
> sering dapat tugas dari professornya untuk mengajar mata pelajaran
> tertentu.
> Bukan dosen penuh, tetapi ditugaskan.
> 2017-12-15 16:57 GMT+01:00 Jonathan Goeij jonathangoeij@... [ GELORA45] 
> <GELORA45@
> <>>:
> Saya kok tidak pernah ketemu dosen yg bukan doctoral degree di
> universitas, yg ada di junior/community college.
> Apakah almamater anda ada dosen yang bukan doctor?
> ---In , <nesare1@...> wrote :
> Bener seorang dosen di USA boleh dipanggil professor. Dalam hal ini
> professor ini adalah panggilan bukan titel/jabatan. Walaupun jarang student
> panggil dosennya yang tidak bergelar doctor dengan panggilan professor.
> Saya jadi teringat yang biasa panggil dosennya professor itu adalah
> mahasiswa Indonesia. Kenapa? Karena mereka tidak tahu artinya baik gelar
> maupun panggilan professor itu. Ini persis sama dengan pendapat ente yg
> goblok itu☹
> Dosen yg bergelar doctor phd S3 memang tidak keberatan dipanggil professor
> (walaupun mereka adalah assistant professor yang paling rendah), tetapi
> mereka belum tentu comfortable dipanggil begitu karena di USA itu lebih
> liberal suasananya dibandingkan misalnya dengan commonwealth system di
> inggris. Ada yg lebih suka dipanggil first name. Mister saja ada yg kurang
> comfortable.
> Tetapi jelas tidak boleh panggil doctor kepada dosen yang tidak memiliki
> phd/S3, karena ada dosen yang tidak memiliki phd/S3.
> Jadi kalau ada mahasiswa Indonesia panggil dosennya yang bukan phd/S3, itu
> salah kaprah. Dosennya biasanya tahu ini pasti mahasiswa asing. Kalau
> mahasiswa Indonesia panggil dosennya yang punya phd/S3, lama kelamaan
> dosennya akan kasih tahu mahasiswa Indonesia ini kalau dia tidak
> comfortable dengan panggilan professor misalnya. Kalau dia comfortable ya
> gak apa2 dipanggil professor. Ini biasanya kalau beda umur antara mahasiswa
> dan dosennya terpaut jauh.
> Nesare
> *From:*  [mailto:GELORA45@yahoogroups. com
> <>]
> *Sent:* Thursday, December 14, 2017 1:31 PM
> *To:* Yahoogroups <>
> *Subject:* RE: [GELORA45] Inilah Profesor Ekonomi Pertama Asal Indonesia
> di Australia
> Merupakan hal umum memanggil baik Associate Professor ataupun Professor
> dengan panggilan prof atau professor, atau bisa juga memanggil doctor.
> ---In  , <ilmesengero@...> wrote :
> Budy P Resosudarmo
> *Associate Professor, The Arndt-Corden Department of Economics*
> *Qualifications*
> BSc (Electrical, ITB), MSc (OR, Delaware), PhD (DevEcon, Cornell)

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